Director:Tim Miller

Technical Supervisor:Benjamin Hill

Writer:Tommy Huelsman

Cast:Joe Ireland as Alan Roberts
Heather Hill as Alma Roberts
Tommy Huelsman as Detective Wardman
Chris Ireland as Detective C.B. Knuckles
Derek Miller as Schkeetsel
Donald Hamilton III as Kiew (the "i" is silent)

Crew:Bryan Hill, PA

Artwork:Nathan Curry

Release Date:July 22, 2007


NotesThis film was shot for the competition, July 20-22, 2007. Each film in the competition had to include a prop (Ice Cream), a line of dialog ("See, thats what you get.") and a character (Alan or Alma Roberts, Fashion Designer). In addition, each team picked a film genre from a hat. We picked "Detective/Cop."
We used a Panasonic DVX100a.